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Free shipping on all orders over $200! Enjoy flat rate $5 / Rural $12.
Founded in the 1930s, Nawrap originally manufactured mosquito nets in the Nara prefecture of Japan. Since then, they have moved into the cloth and textile industry, where they have maintained a long history of quality and attention to detail. Nawrap towels feature a traditional weaving technique unique to Japan.
Features: The design is visible on both sides, and the fabric is made of both rayon and cotton. They are pre-washed, have four layers of material, and get very soft with use.
Tips for Use: To achieve softness faster, soak in hot water for 5 minutes. Avoid contact with bleach and do not put into the dryer.
Materials: Print Side: 100% Cotton, Back Side: 100% Rayon
Size: H 30cm x W 30cm
Made in Japan